

Did you know that Indians today comprise about 1.4 million people in the UK, not including those of mixed Indian and other ancestries? This not only makes us the single largest visible ethnic minority population in the country but also the largest tax-paying minority as well. If you’ve lived and worked in the UK at some point in your life and have moved back to India, you’ve paid your taxes and are eligible to transfer your pension fund back home!

With Brexit, the global pandemic, and a slow down of the UK economy in general, what we’re seeing a lot of is not only an unprecedented number of people returning to India but an unprecedented interest in QROPS as well. Why have your pension fund sitting across the ocean gathering dust in a stagnating economy when you could be earning up to 10.5% guaranteed interest in one of the fastest-growing share markets in the world right now.

What is QROPS?

QROPS stands for Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme and refers to all overseas pension schemes that meet the stringent guidelines and parameters set by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC). UK Pension funds can be transferred to India via a QROPS without incurring any penalties or charges, as long as the Indian scheme maintains compliance with HMRC. An important fact to remember is that while a lot of schemes claim to be compliant and feature on the QROPS list, not all of them are, and doing your own research here is highly recommended.

If HMRC doesn’t take responsibility for verifying if schemes are compliant, how do I know which schemes to choose?

Contact us at QROPS Direct so that you can not only find out which schemes are compliant and suit your particular use case, but also get your pension transferred to India in 30 days or less.

What is QROPS Direct?

Mr. J Noble Yuvaraj and his team of financial experts make up the organization that is known as QROPS Direct and have been helping Indians transfer their pensions from the UK to India since 2008 and to the tune of over 2.5 billion INR

Feel Free To Contact Us For More Details

Mobile : 0091 9962170707 / Landline : 0091 044 42317070

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